
Frank and Claude

Ancient Mammoth

Deep Mine Nitro Uhlíře Time Tunnel parts 1-e

Odd Associations Between Spaces and Written/Read Language

border states


corollary (moth part3)

Maslow Inverted (moth part 2)

A Suggestion for Moths

European Tour

Field Music Diagrams

"Whatever you do with a surfboard in the surf remains a part of surfboarding."

Sort of Like the Photo Below of the Black Wooden Pieces

"whatever I did it wasn't in my mind...and that leads to a kind of improvisation that results in discoveries"

The Special (Form Is Inevitable, Part 8)

Ludwig Also Says

White Noise Ritual


Boudník's Theory of Super-Energy As Applied Arbitrarily to The Present Situation

What Seemed So Linear Suddenly Burst Into a New Chaotic Form

I'll Have What He's Having

Lightning Bolt, for example, and multiple personalities as an ideal

Masterbation Convention

experimental form

BioNatural and HomoNatural