
European Tour

Field Music Diagrams

"Whatever you do with a surfboard in the surf remains a part of surfboarding."

Sort of Like the Photo Below of the Black Wooden Pieces

"whatever I did it wasn't in my mind...and that leads to a kind of improvisation that results in discoveries"

The Special (Form Is Inevitable, Part 8)

Ludwig Also Says

White Noise Ritual


Boudník's Theory of Super-Energy As Applied Arbitrarily to The Present Situation

What Seemed So Linear Suddenly Burst Into a New Chaotic Form

I'll Have What He's Having

Lightning Bolt, for example, and multiple personalities as an ideal

Masterbation Convention

experimental form

BioNatural and HomoNatural

nature is like an industrial designer without a trash can

Summary and Disclaimer (form, part 7)

Points in Rotation (form, part 6)

Independant Worm Saloon

Form is Inevitable, Part 4

Form is Inevitable, Part 3

Form Is Inevitable, Part 2

Form is Inevitable, Part 1